Chapter 58: Chapter 58: A Mystery in Salvandi
Meanwhile, before such destruction was ever caused, the other two children, Stolas and Harvard, would be making their way to the scene of the crime. The Children raced themselves once more, only without resorting Magic as an option, due to the damage they caused in their previous round. When they arrived, they would be met with a large stonework of a building, shaped like a cube with jagged edges sticking out from its corners, as if it was donning a crown. Entering inside, they'd be met with a cool breeze, and soft matting at the floor, being careful when exploring so as to not bump into any of the individuals working there, nor to the guests that were visiting. "So this is where the call is, huh? Snazzy lil' museum, Stoly!" Harvard stated, giving a nickname to his avian friend, as they'd admire the treasures and relics that were preserved here. Some that were tapestries depicting of warriors fighting off against a dragon, others being of Angels and Demons combating one another in a coliseum. There were even some that depicts legendary events, such as the Garden of Eden, and the existence of a land known as El Dorado. Each exhibit they visit, they'd ooh'd and aah'd at its pristine quality. "So what even are these things, anyway?" Harvard would ask.
"Easy! They're stuff the fisherman found while on their trips! Legends go that the riverbank near us is a giant well of information! All the stuff that has been lost to time end up resting there, so whenever the fishermen get them out, it is like reviving a piece of history!" Stolas would answered, gesturing to one of the exhibits, showcasing a doll with a blank stare. "Like this one! This is supposedly a famous doll that housed the soul of his creator! His name is Robert!" Stolas continued, to which Harvard responded by waving towards Robert, before Stolas dragged the Card Magician away to a separate exhibit, one being of a painting with a crying child around the age of 6. "And this one! One of the MANY paintings that were left untouched by the sea! It's called 'The Crying Child', though, don't touch it. Rumors spread that it burns you alive if you tamper with it." Harvard would be amazed at the painting whilst Stolas gave his warning, before dragging him away once more to another site. "And thi- Oh! The scene of the crime!"
"Scene of the wha-" Harvard would state, before noticing what he meant: Empty spaces that once housed large exhibits, a rectangular shape being carved away and removed, with people ogling on at the scene, yet keeping their distance. "Woah.....What happened here?" Harvard would ask.
"Well its plain as day, ain't it? A Robbery! And it looks like they stole something priceless too." Stolas would reply.
"That being?"
"Well, From the location this was, I think this is the Saint's Jewels."
"The WHAT?"
Stolas would snap his fingers and create a small nebula, using the stars as constellations to form a body and explain his story further for Harvard. "Basically, they're gems that were left in the bodies of certain saints from long ago. Believing them to be gifts from the Lord, the people would preserve the saint's bodies through mummification, placing them in a clear box, and having them be worshipped. Legends say that you would be blessed by him if you were to pray to these saints, since their very body housed the Gifts of God. Some of them include a Heart made of diamonds, Kidneys out of Emerald, Fingernails made of Sapphire, and a Spine out of solid Gold. It's a big fortune, for sure, but a curse to those that take it without the Lord's permission." Harvard would be amazed by the shapes that act as the saints, as well as the thought someone would rob the corpses themselves to get the gems. Being curious, the boy would issue out a spell, one that Stolas would be quick on seeing what he's casting: Spirits in the form of skulls to waft across the area, letting them act as drones and cameras to catch any specific details. The skulls floated across the surface, weaving between people's legs and trying to capture every detail, eventually finding something and biting it down from its teeth, letting it float upwards and bringing it towards the duo. "It found something already??" Stolas questioned, almost shocked at how quick they were in such investigation.
"Let's just say after one of my friend's mission, I had to do a bit of an update for my deck." Harvard replied, smiling as he'd signal the skull to come close without being detected, grabbing ahold of the object in question: A broken piece of wood. "Eh? That's it?" The Boy replied, looking towards the skulls, before they quickly dispersed. Stolas would grab the wood and analyze it, a close eye to the finer details regarding the wood.
"Hey, wait a minute. This one's carved!" Stolas stated.
"Yeah, yeah, look!" He would show Harvard the wood, pointing at and allowing him to examine the details further. The wood itself looked to be going to a specific point, a cone-like shape, with the left half being badly damaged. "You'd usually see this type of carving for stuff like canes, Telescopes, when coupled with glass and metal, or even a lil' peg leg! Like this.." Stolas would be standing at one leg, before lowering one of his talons down and walking with a limp, as if he was amputated. "Yar-Har-Har! Yo-Ho-ho! I'm a pirate and I love me some gold! Yar-Har-Har, Hee-hee-hee! We're settin' sail boys, Avast Ye Matey!" Harvard couldn't help but laugh at such an impression, watching Stolas walking around in such a goofy manner, however, he does have a thought come into mind.
"Heeeeeey, hold on a second. How much are you betting that piece of wood is a genuine part of a peg leg! You guys use the docks a lot, right?" Harvard would ask.
"Kinda, though its mainly for fishing. I doubt there'd be anyone willing to sail the seas for-" Stolas would answer, before coming into a realization of his own. "OHHHHHHHHH! Wait, Wait, Wait! Are you saying we have GENUINE pirates here??"
"Depends, you guys USUALLY have pirates?" A Smug was made in Harvard's face when asking such a question.
"Rarely, but it'd be so COOL if that's the case!"
"Then there's only one way to answer that! TO THE DOCKS!" Harvard announced, as he'd run straight for the exit and towards the dockside, with Stolas following behind closely.